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Sistema Riproduttivo Femminile

Prodotti per il Sistema Riproduttivo Femminile.


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Chitomur 20 - sistema urinario

€57.00 €47.00

Chitomur 60 - sistema urinario

Chitomur 60 - sistema urinario

Peptidi della vescica

Crystagen 60 - immune system

Crystagen represents a complex of short peptides, contributing to normalization of immune system function.
€45.00 €37.00

Crystagen 60 - immune system

Crystagen represents a complex of short peptides, contributing to normalization of immune system function.

Crystagen lingual

Crystagen lingual represents a complex of short peptides, contributing to normalization of immune system function.
Immune system / Acoustic organs / Nervous system / Oncologic diseases / Metabolic disorder / Musculoskeletal system / Digestive tract / Female reproductive system / Skin diseases / Intoxications / Urinoexcretory system / Fungal and parasitic invasions
€57.00 €47.00

Endoluten 20 - Epiphysis Peptides

Product contains a complex of peptides, which are isolated from the pineal gland (pineal gland) of young animals. The obtained substances regulate hormonal metabolism and selectively act on the cells of the neuroendocrine system. «Endoluten» also contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the cells of the epiphysis and the secretion of melatonin.


Regulates the neuroendocrine system
Regulates all cyclic processes in the body
Synchronizes the biological clock
Regulates the reproductive system
Slows down menopause processes
Increases fertility rate
Prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times)
Regulates immune and antioxidant status
Increases life expectancy
€117.00 €97.00

Endoluten 60 - ghiandola pineale

Endoluten 60 - ghiandola pineale, epifisi
Regola il sistema neuroendocrino
Regola tutti i processi ciclici nel corpo
Sincronizza l'orologio biologico
Regola il sistema riproduttivo
Rallenta processi di menopausa
Aumenta il tasso di fertilità
Previene il cancro, in particolare del sistema riproduttivo (riduce il rischio del cancro fino a 5 volte)
Regola lo stato immunitario e antiossidante
Aumenta l'aspettativa della vita
60 capsule di 200 mg ciascuna


Endoluten Lingual

For the endocrine system (pineal gland)
Complex of peptide fractions of the epiphysis (pineal gland). Peptides, included in ‘Endoluten lingual’, possess selective action to neuroendocrine system cells, normalize metabolism in epiphysis cells and melatonin secretion, regulate hormonal metabolism, have regulatory effect to epiphysis and to all organism in general.
€123.00 €102.00

Glandokort 20 - adrenal gland

Adrenal gland peptides. Peptides have a selective action on adrenal gland cells, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity.
€57.00 €47.00

Glandokort 60 - adrenal gland

Adrenal gland peptides. Peptides have a selective action on adrenal gland cells, normalize their metabolism and increase their functional activity.

Glandokort lingual - adrenal gland

Adrenal gland peptides. Peptides have a selective action on adrenal gland cells, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity.
€67.00 €55.00



€39.00 €32.00

Mesotel Neo with resveratrol

Mesotel Neo with resveratrol for
Сardiovascular system / Immune system / Respiratory system / Acoustic organs / Oral cavity pathologies / Neuroendocrine system / Nervous system / Hematopoietic system / Oncologic diseases / Metabolic disorder / Female reproductive system / Male reproductive system / Skin diseases / Intoxications / Urinoexcretory system
€33.00 €27.00


Anti-age and oncoprotector
€113.00 €93.00

Revilab МL 08

МL 08 Revilab - per la salute della donna
€113.00 €93.00


Prevention from heart attack and stroke Olekap is a beneficial source from polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. It effectively slows down the growth of atherosclerotic plaques, reduces cholesterol levels in blood. It has strong antioxidant properties. Olekap has natural polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is used to prevent premature aging, hypertension and coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and cancer pathology, and during chemo treatment
€31.00 €25.00

PC 10 - sistema riproduttivo femminile

Complesso peptidico per il sistema riproduttivo femminile. Contiene peptidi - vasi, cervello, timo.
• prevenzione dell'invecchiamento precoce
• annessite cronica
• ciclo mestruale irregolare
• menopausa • diminuzione della libido
• infertilità
• mioma dell'utero
• mastopatia
€31.00 €25.00

Revilab SL 03 for immune and neuroendocrine systems

Revilab SL 03 — contains peptides of epiphysis, immune system T-link, immune system B-link.
€43.00 €35.00

Revilab SL 04

Revilab SL 04 — it contains peptides of T-cell branch of immune system, cartilage and muscles.
€43.00 €35.00

Revilab SL 10 for women's health

Revilab SL 10 — it contains peptides of epiphysis, vessel wall and urinary bladder.
€43.00 €35.00

Temero Genero

TEMERO GENERO – complex of components for improvement of neuroendocrine and immune systems activity.
€47.00 €38.00

Thyreogen 20 - ghiandola tiroidea

Complesso di frazioni peptidiche della ghiandola tiroidea. Sistema neuroendocrino / Disturbi metabolici / Sistema muscolo-scheletrico / Sistema riproduttivo femminile
€57.00 €47.00

Thyreogen 60 - ghiandola tiroidea

Complesso di frazioni peptidiche della ghiandola tiroidea . I peptidi possiedono un'azione selettiva sulle cellule della ghiandola tiroidea, normalizzano il metabolismo nelle cellule e regolano le funzioni della ghiandola tiroidea.

Thyreogen lingual - endocrine system (thyroid gland)

For the endocrine system (thyroid gland)
Complex of peptide fractions of the thyroid gland. Peptides possess selective action to thyroid glands cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate thyroid gland functions.
€67.00 €55.00

Vladonix 20 - timo, sistema immunitario

€57.00 €47.00

Vladonix 60 - timo, sistema immunitario

Vladonix 60 - timo, sistema immunitario

Contiene peptidi del timus.

Vladonix Lingual - immune system

For immune system
Complex of peptide fractions of the thymus. Peptides possess selective action to immune system cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate functions of immune system.
€67.00 €55.00

Zhenoluten 20 capsules

Ovarian peptides. Peptides have a selective action on ovarian cells, regulate metabolic processes in them, promote maturing of ovicells, and restore the cyclic activity of ovaries.
€57.00 €47.00

Zhenoluten 60 capsules

Ovarian peptides. Peptides have a selective action on ovarian cells, regulate metabolic processes in them, promote maturing of ovicells, and restore the cyclic activity of ovaries.

Femalin - per corpo femminile

Femalin - normalizza le funzioni del corpo femminile. Contiene fitoestrogeni naturali e antiossidanti, che influenzano positivamente lo stato ormonale dell'organismo femminile e aiutano affrontare i problemi ormonali, sessuali e psicosomatici.
€26.00 €21.00

Bonothyrk 60 - ghiandola paratiroidea

Bonothyrk - contiene i peptidi di ghiandola paratiroidea, normalizza il metabolismo, aumenta la sua attività funzionale. Sistema muscolo-scheletrico / Sistema riproduttivo femminile.

Bonothyrk 20 - ghiandola paratiroidea

Purpose in
during deossification and urolithiasis
in muscle weakness, hyperplasia parathyroid
at numbness and muscle spasms, caused by hypocalcemia.
€57.00 €47.00

Mamiton Cream-gel for the chest and decollete area

Cream-gel for the chest and decollete area is an effective non-hormonal peptide preparation that has anti-inflammatory properties, while at the same time giving firmness and elasticity to the delicate skin of the chest and decollete area
€44.00 €36.00

Zhenoluten lingual - Ovaries peptides

For the female reproductive system. Combination of peptide fractions, extracted from ovaries, possesses selective action on cells of ovaries, regulates metabolism processes in ovaries, promotes maturing of ovicells, restores cyclic activity of ovaries.
€67.00 €55.00