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Oral Cavity System

The correct daily care about oral cavity is the guarantee of nice and healthy smile. Fortunately, everyone knows it, but only few know that the condition of the whole organism depends on the health of oral cavity. We do not speak only about gastrointestinal tract.

We also refer to respiratory, immune and cardiovascular system. The series of means for care about oral cavity REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL contain all the most necessary means for effective, qualitative and pleasant care about smile.

REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL in the innovative series, which uniqueness lies in its principle of activity. It allows fighting not only the symptoms, but also to act upon the very cause of dental diseases.

The series REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL contain non-abrasive polishing agents, which touches enamel cautiously. The group of innovative patented bioactive complexes developed by our strategic partner - ChemicalBiological Association by the Russian Academy of Sciences "VITA", of course is the icing on the cake of these series.

The same applies to the group of natural peptides, which act in various groups of cells on the DNA level. REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL always provides perfectly clean teeth, fresh breath and complex care about oral cavity.

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Bonomarlot 20 - midollo osseo

Peptide fractions complex, acquired from marrow.
Immune system / Respiratory system / Hematopoietic system / Oncologic diseases
€73.00 €60.00

Bonomarlot 60 - midollo osseo

Bonomarlot contiene i peptidi di midollo, quali possiedono un'azione selettiva sulle cellule del sistema ematopoietico, normalizzano il loro metabolismo, aumentano l'attività funzionale.
Sistema immunitario / Apparato respiratorio / Sistema ematopoietico / Oncologia

Bonomarlot lingual - midollo osseo

Bonomarlot contiene i peptidi di midollo, quali possiedono un'azione selettiva sulle cellule del sistema ematopoietico, normalizzano il loro metabolismo, aumentano l'attività funzionale.
Sistema immunitario / Apparato respiratorio / Sistema ematopoietico / Oncologia
€86.00 €71.00

Endoluten 20 - Epiphysis Peptides

Product contains a complex of peptides, which are isolated from the pineal gland (pineal gland) of young animals. The obtained substances regulate hormonal metabolism and selectively act on the cells of the neuroendocrine system. «Endoluten» also contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the cells of the epiphysis and the secretion of melatonin.


Regulates the neuroendocrine system
Regulates all cyclic processes in the body
Synchronizes the biological clock
Regulates the reproductive system
Slows down menopause processes
Increases fertility rate
Prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times)
Regulates immune and antioxidant status
Increases life expectancy
€117.00 €97.00

Endoluten 60 - ghiandola pineale

Endoluten 60 - ghiandola pineale, epifisi
Regola il sistema neuroendocrino
Regola tutti i processi ciclici nel corpo
Sincronizza l'orologio biologico
Regola il sistema riproduttivo
Rallenta processi di menopausa
Aumenta il tasso di fertilità
Previene il cancro, in particolare del sistema riproduttivo (riduce il rischio del cancro fino a 5 volte)
Regola lo stato immunitario e antiossidante
Aumenta l'aspettativa della vita
60 capsule di 200 mg ciascuna


Endoluten Lingual

For the endocrine system (pineal gland)
Complex of peptide fractions of the epiphysis (pineal gland). Peptides, included in ‘Endoluten lingual’, possess selective action to neuroendocrine system cells, normalize metabolism in epiphysis cells and melatonin secretion, regulate hormonal metabolism, have regulatory effect to epiphysis and to all organism in general.
€123.00 €102.00